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Helping Us to Help You

18 Oct

The library would like thank Anthony Clark, GCC student, and everyone else who participated in the GCC Library survey on 10/17/2011. The survey will be conducted until October 20th at both the LGC and DTC libraries. Each day one participant will be selected at random to recieve a token of our appreciation as a thank you for helping us improve the library!

Welcome Students! Library Card Sign-Up Month

23 Aug
The library would like to welcome all students, those of you who are returning to us, and those of you who are brand new.  We encourage you to stop by the library early and often!
September is Library Card Sign-Up Month and Germanna is celebrating early. Be one of the first students to sign up for a library card this month and recieve a free bracelet or bookmark while supplies last!

And the geeks shall inherit the Earth…

14 Jul
A young Bill Gates, embracing his inner-geek.

Yesterday, July 13th, was “embrace your inner-geekiness” day! At the book swap, we asked library patrons to tell us some of their favorite geeky things, and some of the the things that make them geeky! Here is what they had to say.

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Summer Book Swap: July 13th!

30 Jun

The library will be hosting a Summer Book Swap event on Wednesday, July 13th from 11AM to 2PM in the lobby of FAC-I at the Fredericksburg campus.

Bring all of your mysteries, horror, drama, historical fiction, biographies, fantasy, science fiction, sports, comedy, non-fiction, romances, and more! Any leisure reading books you have laying around at home that you no longer want are welcome. At the event, you’ll be able to swap your old favorites with your fellow Germanna citizens and share a cool summer treat at the same time!

Please see below for the full details:

(Sorry, no textbooks.)

Hope to see all of you there!